Grief Honors Love

Grief Support and Resources

To live and to love fully is to eventually welcome grief. When we can turn and face all that the grief holds, we open ourselves to find and honor the love that lives at its core. Each offering below is created or curated to support and hold space for the many places along the journey you may be.

The Grief Honors Love Community

This is a supportive space to feel and heal. Grief is a universal experience we all must move with and through when we face loss.  It can be difficult to find spaces that allow and acknowledge grief in a world we feel expected  to “have it together” or in other subtle ways to mask our grief for the comfort of others. This space is meant as a stepping stone away from perceived expectations and toward the sacred work of processing our individual experience of grief.   This space is offered free for all and includes live zoom meetups monthly for grief movement with Alison and twice monthly meetups for grief education with Jenna. To protect our members from spam and trolls, we ask that you email us for the link to join.

Grief Honors Love – A Workshop

In this two hour workshop we speak to how grief lives in our body, mind, and spirit and offer practices to help feel our way through the mixed emotions of grief to find the undercurrent that is love. This worhop is for those in grief, as well as anyone desiring to understand grief better so they may better support those around them. The practices are for all bodies and can be done on a yoga mat or in a chair, in any comfortable clothes. Register here.

Grief Honors Love Retreats

Grief is something we all must move with and through when someone we love has died, but it can be difficult to put in the time and energy in a fast-paced world where everyone expects us to “have it together” or in other subtle ways to mask our grief for the comfort of others. This retreat is designed to step away from the world’s expectations and tune into the sacred work of processing our individual experience of grief.  Offered three times a year.

For details about our April retreat, click here.

Grief Movement

Everyone experiences loss in their lives, and grief is a common feeling we all share. It may be the death of a loved one or pet, a relationship or friendship coming to an end, being let go from your job. Loss is loss, and we carry that energetic weight in our bodies. Moving our physical bodies through gentle shapes, and shifting that energy inside, is one of the best ways to access, process and integrate grief. Grief Movement offers a supportive, compassionate practice to allow the experience of grief and loss to move through the body, and invites each person to reconnect back to empowerment and love. This practice is for all bodies and can be done on a mat or in a chair, in any comfortable clothes. Offered as a donation based practice supporting scholarships for the grief retreats.

Love Notes and Our Community:

Breath to Motion