Classes & Events

Weekly Class Schedule
(please check with the studio to register and for last minute changes)

9am Vinyasa @Gruvn Yoga
11:30am Zoom Class @Yoga of Connection
6:15pm Warm Power @Gruvn Yoga

5:00pm All Levels Yoga @Aum Studio for Wellness
6:15pm Vinyasa @Aum Studio for Wellness

8:00am Yin @Aum Studio for Wellness
9:30am Vinyasa @Aum Studio for Wellness
7:30pm – Special Events at Gruvn (see below)

9:30am Yin & Meditation @Gruvn Yoga
10:45 Slow Burn @Gruvn Yoga

6:15pm Flow and Grow @Sunny Street
7:30pm Yin & Nidra @Sunny Street

2pm – Grief movement, 1st Sunday of the month @Grit and Grace
7:30pm – Grief Movement, 2nd Wednesday of month @Gruvn Yoga
Book to Body Book Clubs occury ever 6-8 weeks at Gruvn and Sunnystreet

(Please click here for retreats)

Book to Body – Book Socials
Let’s connect with food, fun, and conversation about the book of the month!
Like Water for Chocolate at Sunny Street Yoga

Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program (CE)
(new dates soon)
Alison leads this 10 week program designed to empower those who have completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training and who may not have transitioned to teaching or who have had a gap in teaching return with confidence to the front of the room. This program includes individual coaching, practice teaching, and guidance on finding your unique place in the yoga community.

Intro to Yoga
(new dates soon)
This 4 part class covers asana (postures) to get you comfortable in any mixed level class as well as introducing the history of yoga, the yamas and the niyamas, and the chakras.

Mantras, Malas And Meditation Workshop
(new dates soon)
Join Alison for her Mala Making, Mantra, and Meditation Workshop. In this workshop you will make a full hand tied 108 bead mala using gemstones and other natural beads while learning about mantras and how malas and mantras can be an integral part of your meditation practice. All materials are provided, but if you have a special bead that you wish to incorporate, please feel free to bring it.

Sun Salutation Workshop (CE)
(new dates soon)
Join Alison in a breakdown of the 3 primary sun salutation variations along with some of their history, how they show up differently across yoga lineages, what each shape offers, and how to utilize these sequences of shapes in a way that works on ALL bodies. This workshop is appropriate for all levels and is also eligible for 2 hours of CE credit through yoga alliance.

Let’s Play: Props (CE)
(new dates soon)
Join Alison for a dive into how to use props to deepen your yoga practice. Knowing how, when, and where to use props can make a big difference in improving alignment, making shapes more accessible, and taking your practice deeper. Come with your challenges, questions, and an open mind to see what the humble block, strap, bolster and blanket can offer you at all levels of practice. This workshop is appropriate for all levels and is also eligible for 2 hours of CE credit through yoga alliance.

Let’s Play: Headstands
(new dates soon)
Whether you’ve got a solid headstand in your practice, or really want one, this workshop with Alison will help you turn your practice upside down. We’ll explore muscle drills and ground stretches to give you the strength and space, tools to practice the first places of lift in ways that are safe (and not on the wall), and play with more advanced options based in stability. Together we will support everyone’s journey from the first moments toes leave the ground through the world of options in this inversion!

Let’s Play: Peace, Love and Understanding Your Hips (CE)
(new dates soon)
From eagle to pigeon to butterfly, this journey through hip centered shapes with Alison will help you understand why some shapes arrive with ease while others can feel like a life long struggle. Hip anatomy at a skeletal level is covered, as well as experiential practice in many hippy shapes. Bring your questions!