
100 Things – Books & Time

August 29, 2023
Stop Overthinking

A part of my plot to get rid of 100 things a day has been not only things that are physical but things that sit on my seemingly infinite to-do lists. For me, books are a massive to do list that could just as well be a very long list of all the books or […]

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100 Things (Part 2)

July 11, 2023

When I started this side quest, I knew I had digital and physical clutter and I suspected I would be happier if I could clear some of it out. Two months in I am still finding myself curious about the ‘extra’ that it turns out is all over my life.  What has become clear is […]

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False Accomplishments

June 30, 2023

The power of accomplishment is real.  That sense of completion is powerful, it can land as relief, joy, spaciousness and a million other things – yet all offer a rush of feelings.  And lately I’ve been wondering if perhaps we’re all a little addicted to it.  I love to check an item off my to […]

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It’s Been a Year (Closet Update)

May 5, 2023

To know me is to know I have an affinity for what I will refer to as minimalism. I love blogs, books, and shows on how people live with less. Tiny houses look like magic to me and I absolutely want to touch every item and see if it sparks joy. And yet I live […]

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Facing Fears

April 20, 2023

I am afraid of a few things. Snakes for sure. Failure for sure. And most recently I realized I have spent much of my life desperately afraid of forgetting things. I’m knee deep (and 26 days in) to my “100 Items” challenge and while there has been a fair amount of stuff moving out of […]

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reTreats | Uncategorized

It’s a Yoga Retreat in Amsterdam!

May 21, 2022

September 18-25, 2022 Join Marie Anne Cassee in her home city of Amsterdam and Alison Gurevich for a yoga retreat like no other.  Together we will embrace the energy of the city, leave the mundane behind, and experience the heartbeat of Amsterdam with one-of-a-kind experiences only a local can provide.   What’s included? Investment: Double occupancy […]

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