Hello and Welcome!

I’m Alison and I am glad you are here! I’m a yoga teacher, mala maker, and creator of things great and small. One of those things I’ve created is this website, and because I’m always creating something – what you see will probably be different every time you pop in. (Much more about me is here.)

The page (I hope) is pretty self explanatory. I write things, I teach all kinds of yoga at studios all over north Atlanta, I offer yoga inspired retreats (locally and not so locally) throughout the year, and I lead the Breath to Motion online yoga community. I offer workshops and fun yoga events, continuing education opportunities for yoga teachers, and share books in my Book to Body offerings. If you prefer online offerings, I have a growing collection of yoga and yoga inspired virtual courses and offerings here (including the home of all my totally free small offerings, a growing collection of 5-10 minute thoughts and practices). You can find more about all of that around this website if you click around a bit. I have a newsletter where I share even more, and of course I’m on social media places (those links are all at the top of the page and a sneakpeak of instagram is just below here).

I hope you’ll hang out with me here, in e-mail land with my newsletter, in person at classes, at a retreat or at a workshop, online with the Breath to Motion online crew, or the lands of social media. In the mean time, feel free to keep on scrolling as a bunch of things I love are below…


I’m currently on a mission to both declutter my life (digital and physical) and simplify. After leading a session on the yama “aparigraha” at my spring women’s retreat I came home inspired and started getting rid of 100 things a day. If you want to follow along, start here and continue here and a little more here.

I can’t wait for our annual CLEAN START retreat at Elohee in January. This retreat is a perfect winter reset for body, mind and spirit and it’s wild to me that this is our 4th year offering this retreat! Early bird discounts are real, and more about the retreat can be found here.

Grief is real, and none of us will escape experiencing it. It’s true that we get by with a little help from our friends, and sometimes we get by with some very specific support. For more on all of the ways I offer grief movement and support, click here.

My Book to Body offerings have transitioned from just talks to “Thought Circles” that pair exploring big ideas from books with mindful movement, yoga philosphy and the connections that occur when we circle together to converse. Thought Circles are two hours long, co-ed, and include snacks. They are currently held quarterly at Gruvn Yoga and at Sunny Street Yoga. We just completed “The Measure” and if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend picking it up for a read or a listen. For more about Book to Body check in here and for quotes and my thoughts follow on instagram @booktobody.