Grief | Thoughts

The Power of Fiction

June 14, 2024

I love non fiction. It makes me feel smarter, informed, and if knowledge is power, then powerful too. I love the active feeling of learning, of feeling like I’m a better person for having read the thing. And for a long time, I only felt that way about non-fiction, and maybe biography/memoirs. My own inner […]

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Thoughts | Yoga

Living on the Edge

March 8, 2024

I know I’m in trouble when I start getting sick, particularly getting sick with weird little things.  I am pretty in tune with my body and when I get tired, my nose runs.  It’s like somewhere in the early part of my existence my brain noticed that I would lay down and rest when my […]

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Goals, Resolutions, & Intentions

February 13, 2024

(To listen to this instead, click here) There are two times of year that feel big and bold to me, January and early September.  Both are completely cultural time markers with either the happy new year party horns seeming to ring in my ears and urge me on to wild resolutions, or the back-to-school reminders […]

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Important vs. Urgent

October 3, 2023

I just finished reading and guiding “Stop Overthinking” as the Book to Body book of the month for September and one thing really stuck with me.  The book itself offers a wide array of tools pulled from many disciplines.  The one lingering for me is the Eisenhower Matrix. In the online space there are 5.7 […]

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Facing Fears

April 20, 2023

I am afraid of a few things. Snakes for sure. Failure for sure. And most recently I realized I have spent much of my life desperately afraid of forgetting things. I’m knee deep (and 26 days in) to my “100 Items” challenge and while there has been a fair amount of stuff moving out of […]

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100 Things

April 3, 2023

I recently led a thought session on nonattachment (or nonexcess), a common translation for aparigraha which is the fifth yama.  The yamas are the first step of yoga (the shapes you may think of as yoga are the third of the eight steps) and are yoga philosophy’s first five guideposts for living.  Yama translates as […]

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Book to Body | Thoughts

On Gratitude

November 15, 2022

On November first, while everyone else was perhaps recovering from their Halloween sugar rush, I came in overjoyed and announced to my 8:30am yoga class that we had finally arrived in my favorite month of the year. A curious “why?” was the response and my answer is easy. I love November because Thanksgiving isn’t commercialized […]

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New Moon – Thoughts on 28 Days

July 10, 2021
Moon - taken by me in 2007

I went to a virtual new moon circle tonight. There was nothing really wrong with it, and there was equally nothing really extraordinary about it. The internet was splotchy, it wasn’t really interactive, I didn’t feel like I had everything I needed, and I spilled my tea right as it started. Twice. I quickly decided […]

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Thoughts | Yoga

The fire you can hold

July 3, 2021

I have always been fascinated by sparklers. It’s clear at a glance they have explosive energy, bits of light and specks of fie radiating in all directions – not at all the calm steady burn of a candles flame. And yet that display of raw energy poses virtually no threat and I can safely watch it burn, hold it just inches from my body, with no fear. I’m still captivated by the fire you can hold.

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